Brian Barnett OAM
Nominated and supported by his peers, the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) has been offered to and accepted by Brian Barnett.
It has been designated the position of Conservation & Environment in particular Herpetology. Brian has been recognized by his peers and country for the lifelong dedication and application to helping others in the field of herpetoculture. For over 50 years he has pioneered and implemented many of the facets of herpetoculture that we all take for granted. There are so many ‘firsts’ that could be attributed to him and as he always states, “I have made every mistake possible – but that is the track of learning, never repeat a mistake”.
A full response by Brian will be issued in the next edition of Odatria (#9) the online publication of the Victorian Herpetological Society. https://vhs.com.au/odatria/
Brian and his Grandson Taipan get ready for the 2011 VHS Expo
The following are some links to newapaper articles about Brian’s fantastic award