We are proud to once again have David Kirshner down for our upcoming meeting on Wednesday the 7th of June at 7.15pm.
As usual the meeting will be held at the new venue, the Anglers Tavern, 2 Raleigh Rd, Maribyrnong.
David’s presentation will be on the nesting habits of Heath Monitors, Varanus rosenbergi, in the Sydney area.
His talk will be illustrated with photographs and videos, all taken in the wild.
David is also able to bring along copies of his book the biology and evolution of Crocodylians but this will need to be pre-purchased. If you are interested in a copy please email us at vhs@optusnet.com.au.
As usual we will have an auction and raffle on the night. Finger food will be provided on the night and everyone is welcome. We look foward to seeing you all there!